Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Doppler indicates a serious doom-front moving in.

DOOMERS all over the world unite. Light your candles, throw on your cloaks, gather any small animals for sacrifice and in synchrosy, slowly bang your heads. You have to promise me not to commit suicide after listening as 1 (or 2?) of the band members have already done. My sources tell me that Funeral was elected to be the "most depressing band in the world" after releasing their first demo. The album From These Wounds doesn't quite garner this acclaim, but it's damn close. Slow driving riffs leading to symphonic depths with the occasional shredding solo. And the lead singer has a Norweigan accent of which I am trying to emulate. Overall, good cold weather/rainy day/bury your pet music.

Funeral - From These Wounds

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